14 Things to Post About

9:04 PM Bethari 0 Comments

♥ Create 10 questions you'd like to ask your readers and ask them to reply in the comment form.
♥ 10 guilty pleasures.
♥ Search for craft challenge, and challenge yourself to enter the upcoming online challenge.
♥ Share family traditions of holiday or birthday.
♥ Five things your readers don't know about you.
♥ Personal post about a recent trip.
♥ Pictures of unfinished projects and your plans to complete them.
♥ Gather some free fonts and make a downloadable link of Favorite Fonts of yours.
♥ People you follow on Pinterest and why you love them.
♥ Recent Facebook posts and what's going on with you.
♥ Round-up of your favorite bloggers or new blogs you've started following.
♥ Personal post of someone/something special, and the reasons why you love it/them.
♥ Personal post of why you started blogging, and why you keep blogging.
♥ Five things you love about your... (self, country, family, home, etc)




I would love to hear anything from you! You can ask, request, or just to say hi, and I will absolutely reply your comment InshaAllah :)