People Who Need People, Are The Luckiest People In The World

8:02 AM Bethari 0 Comments


Salaam everyone,
I recently read this very book entitled Reaching Out: Interpersonal Effectiveness and Self-Actualization by David W. Johnson, which inspires me A LOT. One thing I remember for sure is, it says 
We are created, not for isolation, but for relationships.
It was instantly reminds me of the principal of Islam which is stated in Al Qur'an regarding a term of  Habluminallaah, habluminannaas (relationship with Allah, relationship with other human being). I was reminded that we have to maintain our relationship with other people as well as maintain our relationship with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. 

From the moment we born, relationships are the core of our existence; we were born by our mothers, raised in a family, having friends in schools and college, and I mean yes, we are born into relationships and live our lives within relationships. But sometimes (I know you feel this too), we hold a grudge in ourselves because of other people; for example, envying those who more famous than us or even dislike another person who can do anything they want to do while we couldn't, can let us having a complicated feeling in our deepest heart and it's not healthy. 

I want you to keep calm and have your positive thinking of others. You need them, as do they need you. Well, I'm not a spiritual guru or what-so-ever, I'm a just a silly student who also sometimes envying other people for their successful lives, but I do believe that people who need people are the luckiest people in the world. So why don't we spit out our negative thoughts and feelings, and love ourselves for what we actually have instead?

Keep enhancing your self-love skill by loving your surrounding first,

Photo by Unknown



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