About The Blog, About Me

9:50 PM Bethari 8 Comments

Pearls Darling

Pearls Darling blog is a space of self-improvement program for the author (me! hehe). Achieving a gratitude feeling for being just my self is like finding pearls inside an ordinary shell; I want to discover my own pearls what actually shine in me, and I invite you to join me to discover yours too! Do not hesitate to sent me an e-mail (or e-mails!) when you feel like you want to post something here, I'll be very glad to have you share your experience or thought here. For those who concern, you can read my disclaimer here.

Who's Behind That Squid Mask?

My name is Bethari, a President student majoring Public Relations, aspiring lecturer, headscarf wrapping maniac, design enthusiast, Indonesian, forever student, having a dream to be a vet because I'm in love with pets (having five rabbits and eight cats!). I used to be an author of Dreams Catcher blog, but having a thought to blog more properly and decided to do a blog-walking (to this blog!). Why, you ask? you can read why I did a blog-walking here.

Why Proudly Petite?

Basically I am a petite. My height stuck in 150 cm since I was in a middle school, and I was so sad that I become the shortest among my college friends. Alhamdulillah I had my wake up call by months ago that this height is not something to be ashamed of. Admitting that I am a petite gal, is something which motivates me to always feel grateful for every qada and qadar which has been settled by The Most Gracious, and The Most Merciful, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

I'd like to have fun with you too! Please contact me for questions, tips giving, request for contribution, or just to say hello.

Salaam, and oh, keep empowering other!

p.s: I'm not always write in English, but also in Bahasa. Cheers :3


  1. assalamualaikum wr wb..
    tari blognya unyuu~ hihihi

    1. wassalamualaikum wr wb faraaa, hihihi makasih..fara mau di design-in blognya? :3

  2. salam..
    cantik sekali sih blog nya... hihi. love it <3

  3. haii salam kenal.. aku mau bikin personal blog juga nih buat ngeshare anything ^^ saat ini aku punya blog buku, jadi cuma bisa post tentang buku.. hihi

  4. Hi, Bethari. Perkenalkan nama aku Okti. Kamu kuliah di President University ya? Aku juga, IR 2011. hehe. Aku boleh minta alamat email kamu gak? Aku mau nanya - nanya tentang hijab. Thank you :)

    1. Halo Okti, seneng deh ketemu yang satu almamater, satu fakultas lagi! hehehe aku baruuu aja kemarin Mei graduation, aku PR 2010 :)
      Boleeeeh, bisa contact di thari.bethari@live.com yaaa
      Salam kenal, Okti :)


I would love to hear anything from you! You can ask, request, or just to say hi, and I will absolutely reply your comment InshaAllah :)